The lasers in the PicoSure and Q-switched Nd:YAG tattoo removal systems use a different wavelength for each color of ink pigment – so having access to multiple wavelengths makes it easier to treat the full range of colors that are used for a person’s tattoo. The different wavelengths also allow for more power, which means the treatment sessions will be quicker, less painful and more effective than with previous laser technology.
After your consultation, your provider will numb the area to be treated using an injection or a topical anesthetic. You will then lie back as your provider runs the laser over your tattoo. You will be protected from the light with special eye shields. Read more
Unink Yourself: The Ins and Outs of Laser Tattoo Removal
During the treatment, you may feel a snapping sensation as the laser breaks up the ink particles. The shattered particles are then removed by your immune system’s phagocytic cells and flushed away by the lymph nodes. It takes time for the shattered ink to be cleared from the area, so it’s important to schedule several treatment sessions close together for best results.
Most people find the laser tattoo removal treatments comfortable, but it will vary from person to person. Depending on how old the tattoo is, how much ink was used and the skin tone, you will need more or fewer treatments to remove your tattoo.
After your treatment, your medical professional will put a dressing on the area that was treated and recommend how to care for it. Typically, your provider will suggest that you clean the treated area twice per day and apply a plain moisturizer such as petroleum jelly. Tell your medical professional right away if you develop redness spreading, pus or yellow crusting on the tattoo, as these could be signs of infection.