About Portable Electric Fence

A portable electric FenceFast is a powerful psychological barrier once animals have been trained (hopefully) to stay away from it. The key is the energizer, which converts 110-volt alternating current or something close to it into low-amperage bursts of high-voltage electricity. This electricity flows through conductors on the fence line, touching a live animal causes a painful shock if it’s long enough. The shocks are memorable but harmless, and the animals learn to avoid touching a live wire.

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An energizer may run on lead-acid or dry cell batteries, or on a small solar panel. Energizers are designed for temporary fencing and can power multiple strands of electric tape, polywire or braided wire, or plastic electrical netting.

Portable electric fences are very effective for livestock and wildlife control. In addition to providing a physical barrier for containing cattle, sheep and goats, they are an excellent tool for preventing invasive wild species such as rabbits, voles and deer from damaging crops, gardens or other landscaping. They also work well as a temporary solution for pasture subdivision fences, management intensive cattle grazing, pastured poultry and pigs, or for protecting market gardens and fruit trees.

The basic portable electric fence kit includes a few spools of conductors, an energizer and some insulating handles, poles and stakes. A portable electric fence can be made for a lot less than a permanent wire fence and be much more flexible, too. To keep it effective, the energizer must be properly grounded and the conductors must be free of moisture.

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